The Fighter Pull-Up Plan
By Adam Mundorf
- Work
- Chin Ups
Intrinsic Strength -Training for Longevity
4 - 3rm Fighter Pull Up Plan Day 4 - 02/19/2025
3 - 3rm Fighter Pull Up Plan Day 3 - 02/18/2025
2 - 3rm Fighter Pull Up Plan Day 2 - 02/17/2025
1 - 3rm Fighter Pull Up Plan Day 1 - 02/16/2025
A Return to Form
Life has a way of sweeping you along. Whether it's getting caught in the minutia of everyday life or you make mistakes, sometimes you forget what originally made you feel your best. There was a time in my life when I felt strong, confident and healthy. As Dan John says : "It worked so well, I stopped doing it." This is my return to form, I have wasted enough of my time.
The Less I Knew, The Better Off I Was
Man, sometimes only having one option is the best option. This was my origin in physical training, I had one book : Enter the Kettlebell by Pavel. That was the only book on physical training that I owned and thus it was the only thing I followed. My results were extraordinary and left me feeling fantastic. Then the problems hit : I started buying more books and began losing course. I began mixing programs like I was some sort of alchemist. I began hearing multiple opinions about different aspects of physical training and suddenly my mind was muddled with contradictions. Are weights healthy or are calisthenics better? Should I skip breakfast or skip dinner? Should I do the program minimum or the Rite of Passage?
Don't be so open-minded that your brain falls out. Pavel wrote a great article a while back : When You Don't Know What You Believe...
How I wish I could go back to being 'naive' about things. The more I think about it, the more I realize I can! All I need to do is put on my blinders and have a one book/program policy. Everything else stays on the shelf.
My Path to Muscle and Might (Maybe) : Do the Dang Programs as Written : Beginning on 02/15/2025
As much as I've jumped from thing to thing over the years, I have still gleaned valuable insight into proper program progressions and what a good path forward is. You will see an excerpt after each program that states bus bench and park bench. This is inspired by Dan John. The bus bench program has tangible goals and is on a timeline while the park bench is where we sit and stay a while. There may still be goals within a park bench program but there is more flexibility baked in.
This is my path to Muscle and Might :
Change in Training and Approach
I miss lifting already. I was listening to Pavel on the Huberman podcast and realized that I have been drifting off into that good night. I'm not old by any measure but Christ, somewhere along the way I thought to believe that I was made of bubble wrap. It's time for me to return to form with actual weight lifting and not 'working out' masked as mobility/flexibility work. The main issue I have currently is the time commitment with Convict Conditioning. I'm a huge fan of the program but as soon as I begin to dread my workout sessions, that's no bueno. I feel as though I can get more from my living room full of kettlebells rather than figuring out calisthenics progressions and working a lot for volume which leads to longer workout sessions.
I'm still going to work on calisthenics just on a more expedited path called Get Strong by Al and Danny Kavadlo. It's like Convict Conditioning but stripped down and a more clear progression forward.
In the next blog post you'll see my plan....
4 - Trifecta/Squat Hold/Passive Bar Hang - 02/11/2025
3 - Trifecta/Squat Hold/Passive Bar Hang - 02/10/2025
2 - Trifecta/Squat Hold/Passive Bar Hang - 02/09/2025
The Fighter Pull-Up Plan By Adam Mundorf The Fighter Pull-Up Plan The Fighter Pull-Up Plan is a fantastic plan by an unknown Russian author ...