Saturday, January 18, 2025

The Get Strong Transformation Challenge : The True Program Minimum : My Plan : When to Skip : Keeping it Kavadlo


The Get Strong Transformation Challenge

By Adam Mundorf

The True Program Minimum

Why would you move an external object for exercise when you aren't even able to move yourself? I find many people who look over calisthenics as an easy modality but aren't even proficient in the basics. Some people can't even do a basic push-up or flat foot bodyweight squat. Reaching a certain level in calisthenics proficiency will lead to better performance in weight lifting but it doesn't go the other way. More body awareness has never been a bad thing.

The Get Strong Transformation Challenge provides all of the above in spades.

The Get Strong Transformation Challenge -- My Plan

The Get Strong Transformation Challenge provides you a zero to hero plan in calisthenics without delving into gymnastics or skill based training. There is some leeway with the way you approach off days, so I will be explaining that here.

All of workout days will look like this :

  • Workout
    • Get Strong Warm-Up
    • Get Strong Workout
  • Before Bed
    • 5 Minute Squat Hold
All of my off days will look like this :
  • Before Bed
    • Get Strong Warm-Up
    • 5 Minute Squat Hold
In the book you get the option between 60 and 90 seconds. I chose 90 seconds because if a program gives me the option of more rest, I think I'd be foolish not to take it.

I spoke with Al Kavadlo a while back about this : Use chalk. Take the environmental factors out of the equation.

So, as you see the workout days are just simply spent doing the program plus a squat hold before bed. The Kavadlo's recommend doing some sort of activity during the off days and specifically recommend the Get Strong Warm-Up as an off day activity. I already have a fairly active job so walking specifically isn't necessary. So I choose to do the Get Strong Warm-Up followed by a squat hold before bed. In the book, the Kavadlo Bros recommend holding a squat for several minutes everyday to help with mobility, flexibility and strength.

When to Skip

In the book, if you miss a day or the prescribed reps for a workout, you repeat that week. In the past, I was overly concerned with missing days and the like. No longer, perfection is the enemy of progress. Repeating the basics is not a bad thing. I have a pretty sporadic work schedule, so instead of the day type you'll see (-) when I have to skip. I'll then just continue with the day count like normal. Your body does not know the difference between 7 or 8 days.

This comes with a caveat. The ONLY reason you skip a session that isn't auto regulated (this program isn't) is when your schedule demands it! Never due to fatigue, lack of enthusiasm or laziness. We need to cultivate self discipline through consistent practice.

Keeping it Kavadlo
Eggs do not teach the chicken.  Experienced coaches know not to mess with programs.  I've seen it all the time and when I was younger I violated this principle myself.  Adding this and that, changing a program because you think you are smarter than the author.  I have news for you, being full of yourself for no reason whatsoever is the key to wasting your twenties and possibly thirties.  Do I really know more than the great Kavadlo brothers?  Do I have the right to change their formula?  I have no right and I do not know more than them.  This is why I am keeping it Kavadlo.

Only when I finish this program, I will do kettlebells once again.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Building the Ultimate Human Body


Building the Ultimate Human Body

By Adam Mundorf

Strength Training Program Progression

  • Get Strong Transformation Challenge

    • Goal

      • Phase 4 Test

    • Reasoning

      • This will set the broad base of calisthenics strength and is a ‘do this’ program.

  • Simple and Sinister 2.0

    • Goal

      • Timed Simple

    • This will let you set a foundation of kettlebell training using the goblet squat, swing and get up.

  • Rite of Passage

    • Goal

      • ½ Bodyweight Press

      • 200 Snatches in 10 Minutes with 24kg

    • Reasoning

      • This will build upon your kettlebell foundation and build more strength through the press, chin up, swing and snatch.

  • Return of the Kettlebell

    • Goal

      • Bodyweight Press with Doubles

      • Double Long Cycle Clean and Jerk with 32kgs

        • Depending on Bodyweight

    • Reasoning

      • This will give you a solid hypertrophy and strength plan to build upon your Rite of Passage foundation.

  • Simple and Sinister

    • Goal

      • Timed Sinister

    • Reasoning

      • This will allow you to become reacquainted with your Simple and Sinister program.  You will work up to a timed 48kg swing and get up which will leave you little to be desired.

  • Kettlebell Axe / Turkish Get Ups

    • Goal

      • 40 sets of 6 h2h Swings with 48 kg

      • One Arm Push-Ups

        • Naked Warrior

    • Reasoning

      • This will build your power with your new found strength and hypertrophy.  Kettlebell Axe will give you power and endurance while the one arm push-ups will give you some different pushing power.

  • Quick and the Dead with Kettlebell Muscle Rotated in 12 Week Blocks

    • Goal

      • Rotate these until 32kg is reached in Kettlebell Muscle

    • Reasoning

      • Kettlebell Muscle is a legacy program of hypertrophy.  This will allow you to build inconceivable amounts of muscle and q&d will provide you with conditioning/power.

  • Time for Barbell Training

    • Probably Reload or Power to the People etc. Something StrongFirst related.

Nutrition Protocol
  • Muscle Rejuvenation
    • Programs
      • Get Strong
      • Simple and Sinister - Timed Simple
      • Rite of Passage
      • Kettlebell Axe and One Arm Push-Ups
      • Quick and the Dead (12 Week Block)
    • Under-Eating (Daytime)
      • Water
      • Coffee
      • Fruit or Raw Vegetables(Every 3 to 4 Hours)
        • Not strictly counted, just estimate.
    • Post Workout Meal
      • Whey Protein Concentrate with Water and Creatine
    • Over-Eating (Nighttime)
      • Salad
      • Steamed Vegetables
      • Protein Source
        • Eggs (4 Days a Week)
        • Taco Bell (1 Day a Week)
        • Pizza (2 Days a Week)
      • Fuel Source
        • Rice (Only on Egg Days)
    • Before Bed Supplement
      • Multivitamin
  • Hypertrophy
    • Programs
      • Return of the Kettlebell
      • Simple and Sinister - Timed Sinister
      • Kettlebell Muscle (12 Week Block)
    • Under-Eating (Daytime)
      • Water
      • Coffee
      • Protein Drink with Fruit or Raw Vegetables (Every 3 to 4 Hours)
    • Post Workout Meal
      • Whey Protein Concentrate with Whole Milk and Creatine
    • Over-Eating (Nighttime)
      • Salad
      • Steamed Vegetables
      • Protein Source
        • Eggs (4 Days a Week)
        • Taco Bell (2 Days a Week)
        • Pizza (1 Day a Week)
      • Fuel Source
        • Rice (Only on Egg Days)
    • Before Bed Supplement
      • Multivitamin
Health Routine
  • 10,000 Steps per day
  • Nightly Gratitude Affirmation
  • Quality Sleep

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

What I Know to Be True : Joint Mobility and Active Flexibility Routine : Personal Program Progression : Conclusion

What I Know to be True

Joint Mobility/Active Flexibility/Programs


By Adam Mundorf

What I Know to be True
I've been training and reading about physical culture for well over 10 years now.  I've learned a lot about weight lifting, calisthenics, joint health, flexibility and longevity.  In the modern age, we are often taught not to trust our own intuition when it comes to life's situations.  We all remember a time when, someone (oftentimes a loved one) would fill your head with negativity and/or doubt in your own actions.  Deep down in your heart, you know you are right but intrusive and unwarranted advice leads us in the wrong direction.  I've spent a lot of money, time and effort learning from the best in the business about physical culture.  Specifically, I've tried learning from those who are senior citizens and still live well.  The following list will be my best way of distilling the lessons I've learned.
  • Joint mobility is of utmost importance and is simple to maintain for life.
  • Active flexibility rules and passive flexibility drools.
  • The modality of exercise you choose doesn't matter.  What you enjoy is what pays dividends.
  • There are no magic exercises.  Do what you enjoy.
  • There are no magic programs.  Do what you enjoy provided it's safe, consistent and progressive.
  • Use chalk whenever possible while working out.
  • Walking is key.  Aim to get plenty of movement each day.  I like using 10,000 steps as an easy metric.
  • Use mobility snacks throughout the day.  Touch your toes, joint circles etc.
  • 20 to 30 year olds (myself included) don't know shit about aging well.  Learn from those who have crossed over to the other side.
  • There is a wide range of normal for body composition.  Being a little bit chubby and being a bit underweight is fine.  Obsessing over six pack abs or obsessing about having a bit of a belly, will do your health more harm than the composition ever will.
  • Nutrition is a very personal thing.  Choose something that makes sense to you and makes you feel great.
  • Mental stress does your health great harm.  Do what you can to minimize mental strife and maintain your sense of calm.  Relax!
Joint Mobility and Active Flexibility Routine
Many things in life are vastly more simple than people give them credit for.  Two of those things are joint mobility and flexibility.  Below I will list my simple approach to joint mobility and active flexibility.  It may appear to be a lot but honestly, it shouldn't take more than 10 to 15 minutes of your time and oftentimes even less.
  • Joint Mobility (Oftentimes a Warm-Up)
    • Qi Gong Hip Circles
    • Head Nods and Looks
    • Arm Circles
    • Shoulder Circles
    • Elbow Circles
    • Wrist Circles
    • Hula Hoops
    • Knee Circles (raised leg)
    • Ankle Circles
    • Toe Touch/Reach Overhead
    • Stick Dislocates
  • Active Flexibility (Oftentimes a Post Workout Routine)
    • Trifecta (20 second Holds) (Various Regressions/Progressions)
      • Bridge
      • L-Sit
      • Twist
    • 5 Minute Squat Hold
    • Passive Bar Hang
  • Other things to Keep in Mind
    • Don't be afraid to get on the floor and roll around.
    • Don't be afraid to climb that tree or play on those monkey bars.
    • A key to mobility and active flexibility for life is play.
There you have it.  This really really covers all of your body and is laughably simple to perform once you do it a few times.  If you do this for the rest of your life, you will never be stiff again (probably).

Personal Program Progression
I will list my personal distilled program approach here but the details will be in blogs following this one.  This is my plan for the next decade or so.  Frankly, however long it takes.  All of these programs are my own creation with inspiration from various sources.
  • Kettlebell Slow Strength - Simple

    • Reach 5 x 1  32 kg in the turkish get up

    • Reach 2 x 20 32 kg in the Deadlift

  • Passage to Strength rotated with Path to Muscle

    • Reach a comfortable half bodyweight press (48kg)

    • Reach 2 x 20 48 kg in the Deadlift

  • Passage to Power

    • Reach a bodyweight press with double bells

    • Reach 2 x 20 Double 48 kg in the Deadlift

  • Kettlebell Slow Strength - Sinister

    • Reach 5 x 1 48 kg in the turkish get up

    • Reach 2 x 20 48 kg in the Deadlift

  • Quick and the Dead rotated with Kettlebell Muscle

    • Rotate quick and the dead with kettlebell muscle until 32 kg is reached in Kettlebell Muscle

  • Barbell Training

    • Not Sure

Thank you so much for reading this post, it really means a lot.  In the following blogs I will be logging my workouts, health numbers (I'm fat as fuck right now) and routines.  I will upload progress pictures but tbh I'm a bit embarrassed of my current state.

As always, I'm here for all questions and will always answer provided I am still alive.

Friday, October 18, 2024

The Convict Conditioning System - Mastery of Bodyweight - New Blood - CC Video Summary - Intrinsic Strength - 10 Commandments - Final Note and When to 'Skip' - Thank You to Paul Wade

Convict Conditioning

New Blood

Intrinsic Strength

by Adam Mundorf

Quote by Steve Maxwell
“People have lost sight of the true purpose of exercise.  It’s not about the reps or weights; it’s about producing a deep level of fatigue without damaging the structure so that the body is compelled to adapt and increase its strength.  It’s about discipline.  With discipline comes integrity and virtue.  This is the source of beauty in the well-trained human body, and why you can’t acquire it from the outside; it’s an internal, mental quality shining through.”

Quote by Martin "Farmer" Burns
"I am not favorable to heavy weights used in physical culture...I believe that abnormal development brought about by heavy weights is harmful. The muscles become large and hard, and lose their elasticity and suppleness. They do not respond like the elastic muscles built up naturally by light weights and common gymnastic exercises."

The Convict Conditioning System

Man, if there's one thing that I've looked into too much it's Convict Conditioning. There are four main mistakes I think people make when first approaching Convict Conditioning. The first mistake that many people make is ignoring that there are four books to the series plus a really good PDF that explains many of the misconceptions. It IS a complete system :

  1. Convict Conditioning

    1. Focuses on the big six calisthenic movements.

  2. Convict Conditioning Super FAQ (PDF)

    1. Explains the misconceptions and offers some additional higher frequency programming options.

  3. Convict Conditioning 2

    1. Incorporates finger training, grip training, calves, flag work, oblique training, neck bridging and joint mobility/active stretching.

    2. Also has sections for diet, lifestyle and mindset.

  4. Convict Conditioning 3 (Explosive Calisthenics)

    1. Offers options to work up to superman pushups, suicide jumps, front flips, back flips, kip ups and the muscle up.

    2. Animal Movements and Small Space drills.

    3. I'll be honest, I will not be utilizing this book. I'm not a big believer in 'explosive' exercise for the average person.

  5. C-Mass

    1. Offers hypertrophy work and diet advice for building mass.

  6. Paul Wade's Isometric Manual
    1. I was debating including this book because it's pretty much an advertising book for the IsoChain product by Dragondoor. The issue is that there is a section at the end that is a whole run through of bodyweight isometrics and explicitly mentions it's a Convict Conditioning approach to isometrics. So here it is....

The second mistake I think many people make is taking the rep ranges far too literally. Like, 3 x 50 horizontal pull ups done at waist height and a 2-1-2 cadence, forget it. From what I've gathered from speaking with the Kavadlo's and others, is that the rep ranges were there just as a rough guide but became gospel.

The third mistake is not realizing how difficult calisthenics can be. Every change in leverage amplifies any weakness you have whether that is extra weight or tendon strength. Weights are so much simpler to progress with which is why Convict Conditioning is such an impressive attempt at quantifying calisthenic progressions without getting into gymnastic style training.

The fourth mistake is not respecting the early progressions, steps 1-3 are pretty much rehab steps. When done at a proper tempo, these exercises oil and stimulate the muscles/joints/tendons without destroying them. These movements will set a broad base for the future movements. No one ever got worse by practicing the basics. Instead of asking yourself : "When can I progress?" instead ask yourself : "How much benefit can I get out of this movement?" Keep on wringing that sponge until all of the water is out.

Mastery of Bodyweight

Why would you move an external object for exercise when you aren't even able to move yourself? I find many people who look over calisthenics as an easy modality but aren't even proficient in the basics. Some people can't even do a basic push-up or flat foot bodyweight squat. Reaching a certain level in calisthenics proficiency will lead to better performance in weight lifting but it doesn't go the other way. More body awareness has never been a bad thing. It's not that I don't value weights, I certainly do but dude, why not 100% our body first before lifting externally. I just can't wrap my head around how that could be a bad thing.....

Enter New Blood

In the Convict Conditioning Super FAQ, Paul Wade presents us with some higher frequency programs. If you work an active occupation and/or practice intermittent fasting and/or walk at least 10,000 steps per day, I strongly recommend avoiding higher frequency programs. If I sat at a desk, for sure, I would follow something higher because my energy expenditure would be so low. Enter the basic New Blood program from the original Convict Conditioning book. It involves using the basic four movements : push-ups, squats, leg raises and chin ups. It is recommended that you hammer these four movements hard until step 6, then you can introduce dynamic handstands and bridging. Along with these four movements I am incorporating some movements from the other Convict Conditioning books. Remember this is a complete system. I am adding in : grip, fingertip work, isometrics and calf work. Until I reach a basic proficiency in these movements I am omitting : animal movements and neck bridging (until later). I'll also be doing trifecta stretching sporadically throughout the day, before bed and when I have time or feel the need.

New Blood with Mobility, Form and Warm-up Guidelines

  • Day 1

    • Push ups

    • Fingertip Push ups

    • Grip Work

    • Leg Raises

    • Calves

  • Day 2

    • Isometrics

  • Day 3

    • Off

  • Day 4

    • Isometrics

  • Day 5
    • Pull-Ups

    • Fingertip Push-Ups

    • Grip

    • Squats

    • Calves

  • Day 6
    • Isometrics
  • Day 7

    • Off

Realistic Standards
In Convict Conditioning, Paul Wade laid out some pretty absurd master rep ranges for the master steps.
Luckily he edited these in the Convict Conditioning Log Book. Some moves are omitted because I want
exercises I can do from my upstairs apartment, I'm not big on 'going out'. If I'm not at work, I'm a recluse.
They are as follows :
  • One Arm Push-Up
    • 2 x 10
  • Pistol Squat
    • 2 x 10
  • One Arm Chin Up
    • 2 x 3
  • Hanging Leg Raise
    • 2 x 10
  • Stand to Stand Bridge
    • 2 x 3
  • One Arm Handstand Push-Up (?) (LOL)
    • 2 x 2
  • Finger Tip Push-Ups
    • 2(5) One Arm Fingertip Push-Ups
  • Grip
    • 1(1 min) One Arm Towel Hang
  • Calves
    • 4(50) Single Leg Calf Raises Off a Step (Straight Leg)
  • Isometrics - 6(3 sec)
    • Elbow Lever
    • L-Sit
    • Back Lever
    • Front Lever
    • Handstand
    • Human Flag (Not Doing this One)
Where I am Beginning
The first three steps of each progression in my humble opinion should be respected but no need to set in stone with step 1.  If you feel FULLY comfortable starting at step 2 or even 3, I say go for it.  I wouldn't go past step 3 because I feel you get some major benefit both in tendon and joint strength.  These early steps lubricate the joints.  What's the rush?  If it will help you to adhere to the program better, then don't be afraid to start at step 2 or even 3.  This all comes with a caveat, you may not have the required set up to do some of the progressions from the book.  This is okay.  Start with the step you have the equipment and set up for.

Here is where I'll be beginning :

  • Pushups
    • Incline Pushups (Step 2)
  • Leg Raises
    • Flat Bent Leg Raises (Step 2)
  • Chin Ups
    • Horizontal Pull (Step 2)
  • Squats
    • Shoulderstand Squats (Step 1)
  • Fingertip Pushups
    • Kneeling Fingertip Pushups (Step 3)
  • Grip
    • Bar Hang (Step 2)
  • Calves
    • Bent Leg Calf Raises (Step 1)
  • Isometrics
    • Step 1

Pre-Bed Mobility and Flexibility
  • Trifecta Stretching (20 seconds)
    • Bridge
    • L-Sit
    • Twist
Crawl into the other room.
  • Passive Bar Hang

Convict Conditioning Warm-Up and Cool Down Guidelines

  • Warm-Ups

    • Warm-Ups are a very personal thing.  Do whatever makes you feel ready to the work at hand but do not turn the warm-up into a workout.  Keep it simple, repeatable  and sustainable.
    • The following warm-up routines are my personal approach and are not exactly what Paul Wade prescribes but he states warm-ups are highly personal.
  • Before the Workout
    • Joint Circles
    • Toe Touch/Reach Overhead
    • Stick Dislocates
  • Calves

    • Perform after lower body work

Convict Conditioning Video Summary

  • Push ups

    • Moving Plank

    • Feet Together

    • Grip with Hands

    • Soft Arms at Top

    • Smooth Descent and Complete Control

    • Keep Elbows Tight and Fire Lats

    • Keep Hands Close

    • Breath In/Down Breathe Out/Up

    • 2 Seconds Down - Pause - 2 Seconds Up

    • During 1 Arm Work keep Reps identical for both sides.  Begin with a weaker

    • arm.

  • Leg Raises

    • No Isolation Movements for the Abs.

    • Always use the Full Body

    • Hard Work, Not lots of Work

    • Biomechanical Breathing

    • Keep breathing smooth.

    • Keep Gut Tight

    • No Momentum

    • 2 Seconds Down - 2 Seconds Up

    • 1 Second Pause at Top

    • Never let feet touch the floor

    • Train your spine through bridging

  • Chin Ups

    • Natural Grip

    • Begin from the Top

    • Keep Shoulders Packed

    • Soft Elbows

    • Hollow Body

    • Get Chin over the Bar

    • No Kipping

    • Keep Elbows Free

    • Pause for 2 seconds at the top / 1 second at the bottom

    • Lose Weight

  • Squat

    • 30 to 40 degrees turned out for feet.  Comfortable and Natural.

    • Push knees out to track feet.

    • Keep a natural spine.  Don’t round the spine forward.  Keep your head up

    • and straight.  Keep shoulders square and down.

    • Lead with the hips.  Sit down and back.

    • Always use full range of motion.

    • Never bounce at the bottom.  Pause for 1 second.

    • Press through the heels.

    • Biomechanical Match Breathing

    • Brace the core.

    • For one legged movements, keep reps the same on both sides.

  • Bridging

    • Move for Reps

    • Seize the Arch

    • Pause at the top for 2 seconds.

    • Breathe smoothly and naturally.

    • Keep feet at shoulder width.

    • Push through all the limbs.  Use arms and legs.

    • Use your entire hands.  Grip the floor.

    • Press your chin up.  Look at the wall behind you.

    • Raise your hips.

    • Keep heels flat.

    • Bang out some Trifecta stretches post bridge work.

Intrinsic Strength
Intrinsic strength to me means doing exercise because it makes you a more capable and virtuous human being. Not lifting a certain weight to impress or building big gee-whiz muscles to impress on the beach. It's about treating your body as a temple of gratitude. It's about building a body that doesn't need joint replacements and that allows you to be available for society deep into old age. Keeping your form paramount and keeping quality at the forefront. Willingly harming your body is a selfish act and should be frowned upon. Imagine someone asking you for help and you can't because you blew out your knees with a ponderous poundage squat. Imagine not being able to pick up your grand-kids because you left your health in Gold's Gym. Imagine not being able to defend your animals and family because you messed up your shoulders showing off in the gym. Imagine needing others to care for you simply because you couldn't check your ego at the door. Keeping goals intrinsic and exercising simply because it is the virtuous thing to do.

Now of course a man can't live his life without challenging himself but you should always assess the risk to reward of an exercise. You also need to assess why you are doing it.

Final Note and When to 'Skip'
Don't let perfection be the enemy of progress.  I understand that the above is a lot and there WILL be scheduling troubles or life will get in the way.  That's okay.  Just extend your training week to 8 days and keep the ball rolling.  For example, if I get home late from work and need to be back at work in 11 hours, I am not training that day.  If I had a completely ridiculous and exhausting day, I will take that day off.  You know the day I mean : the kind where you drive home with the radio off in the car.  The pull-up bar will still be there tomorrow when I'm well rested and have more time to really give that session my all.

Thank you to Paul Wade
We will never forget you. While most of us have never met you or seen your face, your guidance and knowledge will echo through eternity. Every rep we do and strength we use, it is because of you.

Thank you.

The Get Strong Transformation Challenge : The True Program Minimum : My Plan : When to Skip : Keeping it Kavadlo

    The Get Strong Transformation Challenge By Adam Mundorf The True Program Minimum Why would you move an external object for exercise when...